
Autori per Urania: Christopher Ruocchio e la saga del Divoratore di Soli - space opera

Tra i giovani (anzi giovanissimi) autori da tradurre per il mercato italiano c'è sicuramente il talentuoso autore americano di chiare origini tricolori...

... La sua saga, che sta per arrivare al terzo romanzo, è una space opera mashuppata col fantasy, ma d'altronde Dune e Star Wars non hanno elementi fantasy?

Hadrian Marlowe, un uomo venerato come un eroe e disprezzato come un assassino, racconta la sua storia nel debutto della serie Sun Eater, fondendo il meglio dell'opera spaziale e del fantasy epico!


Sinossi del primo romanzo "Empire of Silence" (inglese):

It was not his war!

The galaxy remembers him as a hero: the man who burned every last alien Cielcin from the sky. They remember him as a monster: the devil who destroyed a sun, casually annihilating four billion human lives even the Emperor himself against Imperial orders.

But Hadrian was not a hero. He was not a monster. He was not even a soldier.

On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe starts down a path that can only end in fire. He flees his father and a future as a torturer only to be left stranded on a strange, backwater world.

Forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of a foreign planetary court, Hadrian must fight a war he did not start, for an Empire he does not love, against an enemy he will never understand.

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