
Solo: A Star Wars Story - prime immagini dai giochi delle astronavi del film

Ecco spiegato perchè il Millennium Falcon sarà diverso nello spin-off

Uno Star Destroyer dovrebbe riprendere un bozzetto dalla trilogia originale


Il tweet di Colin Cantweel, padre di quasi tutte le astronavi di Star Wars:

The creation of the #Stardestroyer - I asked George about the scenes. We had a few words in which he described the scenes. I then asked "Is it bigger than Burbank?" to determine the size of the Imperial Cruiser and the opening scenes of the movie. The hatch concept was developed in terms of the need of actual scenes later in the movie. In the opeing I was describing something WWII-ish of a concept with a gunner in the fuscelage. The ship was designed with a lot of thought on what the viewer would experience related to the massiveness of the ship. This involved thinking of things and creating relationships between all of the ships and their interactions with each other. George and I also discussed several other topics in which I asked qualifying questions. This gave me enough information to start designing the ships. It also gave him the information to continue with his work. I was separate from George for most of that time and worked on the final products alone. I started by creating what had to be in the middle and things were added on and so forth. I basically designed this ship and other ships around the function and the impact of the ship on the viewer. The sequence of function and the emotion and it had to feel like it was already there. When starting on a ship, I never did know what it would look like by the end. PS - those fighters in the concept illustration were the original imperial attack ships. I didn't create the #TIE until much later. See the other concepts at
Un post condiviso da Colin Cantwell (@colin_cantwell) in data:

La nave in questione dovrebbe chiamarsi Arrestor Cruiser:

L'altra nave è un trasporto imperiale, l'Hauler, che dovrebbe coinvolgere Han Solo (assieme alle nostre Dolomiti) nella scena di fuga vista nel trailer:

I concept dell'Hauler:

Grazie alla Lego e alle copertine dei futuri libri legati alla franchise del film, invece, scopriamo che il mitico Millennium Falcon avrà una porzione originaria aggiuntiva a prua non presente nei film già visti:

Articoli di Jimi Paradise